Source code for pyrcrack.cracking

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Cracking utilities

    This module contains everything related to cracking.
    Actually, this makes:

        - Aircrack
        - Wesside

    That's so because wesside has its own cracking option.

import os
import re
from . import Air, WrongArgument
from subprocess import Popen, DEVNULL, PIPE
from contextlib import suppress

[docs]class Aircrack(Air): """ Introduction ------------ Aircrack-ng is a powerful wireless cracking tool. Supporting two main attack types (against wep or wpa) it accepts different options for each. That means you'll only be able to use specific options for specific attacks. .. param attack: Chosen attack (wep|wpa) .. param file_: CAP or IVS file to crack The rest of the params are gotten using *args, **kwargs magic, so you'll need to manually consult them here. General options (Note that you can combine these with wpa or wep) :: Aircrack('wep|wpa', 'file_foo.ivs', a=false, essid=false, bssid=false, p=false, E=false, q=false, combine=false, l=false, w=false) WEP options: :: Aircrack('wep', 'file_foo.ivs' c=False, t=False, h=False, debug=False, m=False, n=False, i=False, f=False, k=False, x=False, x1=False, x2=False, X=False, y=False, K=False, s=False, M=False, wep_decloack=False, ptw_debug=False, oneshot=False) WPA options: :: Aircrack('wpa', 'file_foo.cap', S=False, r=False) Don't forget these are context managers, but also can be called manually :: foo = Aircrack('wpa', 'file') foo.start() time.sleep(1000) print(foo.result) foo.stop() :: with Aircrack('wpa', 'foo'): time.sleep(1000) print(_.result) """ _stop = False _allowed_arguments = ( ('a', False), ('essid', False), ('bssid', False), ('p', False), ('q', False), ('combine', False), ('E', False), ('l', False), ('w', False), ) _allowed_arguments_wep = ( ('c', False), ('t', False), ('h', False), ('debug', False), ('m', False), ('n', False), ('i', False), ('f', False), ('k', False), ('x', False), ('x1', False), ('x2', False), ('X', False), ('y', False), ('K', False), ('s', False), ('M', False), ('wep_decloack', False), ('ptw_debug', False), ('oneshot', False) ) _allowed_arguments_wpa = ( ('S', False), ('r', False), ) _allowed_attacks = ( 'wpa', 'wep' ) def __init__(self, attack=False, file_=False, **kwargs): self.file_ = file_ if attack not in self._allowed_attacks: raise WrongArgument self.attack = attack extra = tuple() with suppress(AttributeError): extra = getattr(self, "_allowed_arguments_{}".format(attack)) self._allowed_arguments = self._allowed_arguments + \ extra super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start process. """ params = self.flags + self.arguments line = ["aircrack-ng"] + params + [self.file_] self._proc = Popen(line, bufsize=0, env={'PATH': os.environ['PATH']}, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL) os.system('stty sane')
[docs]class Wesside(Air): """ Introduction ------------ Wesside-ng is an auto-magic tool to obtain a WEP key with as less interaction from the user as possible. The only actual required option is the interface, as if no interface specified, it'll try to crack any. This is only for WEP networks and does not need anything out of the ordinary Usage example: :: Wesside('mon0', n="", m="", a="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", c=False, p=128, v="WLAN_FOO", t=10000, f=11) Don't forget these are context managers, but also can be called manually :: foo = Wesside('mon0', n="", m="", a="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", c=False, p=128, v="WLAN_FOO", t=10000, f=11) foo.start() time.sleep(1000) print(_.result) foo.stop() :: with Wesside('mon0', n="", m="", a="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", c=False, p=128, v="WLAN_FOO", t=10000, f=11): time.sleep(1000) print(_.result) """ _stop = False _allowed_arguments = ( ('n', False), ('m', False), ('a', False), ('c', False), ('p', False), ('v', False), ('t', False), ('f', False), ) def __init__(self, interface=False, **kwargs): self.interface = interface super(self.__class__, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start process. """ params = self.flags + self.arguments line = ["wesside-ng"] + params + ["-i", self.interface] self._proc = Popen(line, bufsize=0, env={'PATH': os.environ['PATH']}, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=PIPE) os.system('stty sane')
@property def result(self): """ Searches for a key in wesside-ng's output to stdout. """ with suppress(IndexError): data = self._proc.communicate().decode() return re.match("KEY=\((.*)\)", data).groups()[0] return False